The DIY Modern Office Desk You Need To Build

This chunky, DIY modern office desk is one you’ll want to build because it’s super versatile! Not only can it serve as a desk, but also as a dining table or kitchen island! Interested in tackling this project yourself? We’ve created a detailed 8-page build plan that includes all the tools and materials used to create this DIY modern office desk! You can now purchase all build plans from our website HERE.

wooden desk with black chair and computer monitors
Accent Wall Color = Behr Cracked Pepper

The Build

You can build this modern office desk using any lumber of your choice. We went with a more chunky design because our goal was to have this desk be a statement piece in our home office. You can also adjust the measurements of this office desk to suit your needs while using our build plan as a guide.

Painting and Staining

I love the contrast of white and wood, so we decided to paint the desk frame in Sherwin Williams Pure White. Using paint that you already own helps to reduce your project cost. For the stain, I used my personal concoction of Natural and Early American. It’s definitely a trial-and-error sort of mix. I simply tested the stain on a piece of lumber until I was satisfied with the resulting color.

Desk Frame Color = SW Pure White
Desk Top Stain = Natural + Early American


This white and wood DIY modern office desk complements our dark accent wall perfectly! Since Hubby works in IT, using multiple monitors has its benefits. We couldn’t love this project any more than we already do! If you’re interested in more DIY woodworking projects, then be sure to check out the following blog posts:

DIY Bench || DIY West Elm Inspired Shelving || DIY Pocket Desk || DIY Wood Paneled Door || DIY Custom Walk-In Pantry

Tap the product name below to shop that item

Monitors || Monitor Wall Mount || Black Chair


  • Feel free to use your choice of wood on this DIY office desk build. We have our favorite wood choices and I’m sure you do too!
  • We used a countersink drill bit to screw further into the lumber so we could then easily fill any holes with spackling paste, lightly sand, and paint.
  • The quick grip clamps are great for solo DIY projects because they provide that extra set of hands you often need!

Purchase your copy of this 8-page office desk build plan from our website linked HERE.

Until next time friends!

Aminah Chung


13 Replies to “The DIY Modern Office Desk You Need To Build”

    • Hi Aminah,
      I love the build! I can’t wait to get started. I’m hoping I could start this project this week. I’m looking over the guide and I saw your dimensions for the top is marked at 74″ however the standard cut in the store(and your supply list) is 72″. I saw you addressed this in one of the comments but it was still unclear. I just want to confirm that the standard cut from the store 72″ is in fact correct. Thanks in advance.

      • Hi Frankie,
        Apologies for the late response. We purchased the butcher block from The Home Depot and theirs will show a measurement of 72 in, their actual measurement is 74 in. I sent out an updated plan with some additional notes. Can you check your spam mail and let me know if you received it? If not, email me and I’ll get you a copy!

  1. Hi Leslie,
    Just to clarify, our calculations are correct. The butcher block countertop we purchased from Home Depot shows an actual dimension of 74 in. This is very common when purchasing wood. That’s what you see in our build plan. Also when you add up the measurements for the length of the base of this desk: 70in + 3.5in that equals 73.5in which is slightly less than the 74in desk top. Not sure what massive mistake you would have made there. Also we added extra lumber because you never know when you’ll miscalculate and cut incorrectly. You can always return unused lumber. So again, not a big deal.

  2. Hello,
    I purchased the plans, and the instructions are great; however, I have a few recommendations for us newbies:
    Please specify the unfinished birch butcher block
    The screws for the bracket should be “Pan head screws.” The rest of the screws are countersink.
    Why are you finishing with Tung oil instead of polyurethane?
    Link to the short video on Youtube –

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